I’m Maddie Wang.

Stanford founder. I’m gay, wbu?

💸 I love to make businesses

Growing up with a tiger mom was SUPER suffocating. The only way I could escape was through building businesses.

When I was 12, I ran a popular Minecraft server called Cheesium. I made a new game mode specifically for PVP/Combat. At home, I had no friends, but on Cheesium, everyone loved the server and spent HOURS on it every day.

One day, my mom got so mad I was spending too much time on my computer (and not doing homework) that she SMASHED my laptop with a hammer.

The next day, I bought my laptop with the $61k I made from my business.

For me, building businesses gave me the freedom I didn’t have at home. I want to live life on my own terms, not be stuck doing work I hate. At core, I’m an entreprenuer. I want to spend the rest of my life building bigger and bigger businesses until the day I die.

Minecraft server

I made a popular Minecraft server when I was 12 years old, generating $61k.

Amazon e-commerce store

I built an amazon e-commerce store while at Stanford, generating $120k after 1 year.


After college, I’ve bootstrapped multiple b2b/b2c startups, totaling $450k.

🏳️‍🌈 I’m very gay

In high school, I had a crush on this girl on my tennis team. She was the popular, blonde girl, while I was this shy, Asian nerd.

She would always chase me around the court, playfully sliding her hand between my butt cheeks. On the bus, she would tease me about my small boobs and jokingly call me her “Lebanese lover” because it sounded like “lesbian.”

One night, I had a dream about her. We were in a military camp during a lock down. The sirens were all blaring and we slid in the same bed together. One thing led to another….

The next morning, I was SHOCKED. I always thought I was straight! I posted on reddit for help

Someone asked me, “How would you feel if you kissed her?”

Holy shit. It was at the moment I realized I was attracted to girls.

I went on to date women and it was life changing. I believe in sexual liberation. I want to fully enjoy pleasure for the rest of my life, not have an existential crisis at 40. Before I die, I want to make a huge impact on the queer community.

Queer Chart

At Stanford, I created a digital version of Alice’s chart for Stanford. Our chart had 220 queer women on it! We threw some crazy parties, and I met my girlfriend through it.

GAΨ Sorority

My freshman year, I joined a sorority called AKDPHI. Nervously, during a chapter meeting, I came out to my straight sisters and started to cry. With tears coming out, I was told to go to the bathroom to go “freshen up.” GAΨ was born out of the need for a safe, homonormative space to make queer friends.

GAΨ – U-Haul Sleepover

Orgasm Gap

I used to be really insecure about my sexual desires. When I struggled to orgasm during sex, I thought something was wrong with me. After a lot of exploring, I got way more comfortable with my sexuality. Now, I openly talk about sex with others and enjoy a fulfilling poly life.

My favorite toys:

💪 I love sports

Find me at Crossfit Alinea, on the tennis court, or playing dyke dodgeball.


PRs: 12 pull-ups, 235 lb back squat, muscle up


Top 50 in state in MN (under 18s)

Dyke dodgeball

Max 42 kills in a match

Contact me

Don’t be a stranger 👋 Say hi!

My email is zecheesy@gmail.com